Legends of the Hundred Islands

Have you ever been curious as to how the Hundred Islands was formed? Then you’re in luck! There are several versions about the legend of Hundred Islands which I happen to have been told about by the natives of Alaminos which I’m really willing to share.

The Lost Ladylove

A primeval giant was said to have tears when he lost his ladylove. The tears of the giant supposedly formed the Hundred Islands.

The Lost Lemuria

It was said that the Hundred Islands are actually remnant tips of the lost continent of Lemuria, fabled as the Pacific continent at war with Atlantis before both advanced civilizations disappeared under the sea.

Volcanic Eruption

It could have been the product of a volcanic eruption during the early civilization which caused major upheavals and changes in the sea and dry land. The people then were astonished to find the numerous droplets of lava and volcanic debris floating in the sea like scattered jewels, which eventually turned into the Hundred Islands.

Frozen Flotilla

Looking at the islands from afar, they could look like a flotilla of ancient ships leaving the harbour, and through some sorcery of magic, these were frozen in time and in place until itinerant seeds were sown by the wind on their solid surface, Those trees, looking ancient, are natural bonsais, many growing only to a few feet tall.

Anita and Akong

There used to be only one island in the place where the Hundred Islands can be seen today. Akong is a fisherman and his wife Anita sells the fish he catches every day. But discontentment soon crept in Akong’s heart and thought of ways to earn money in a faster and easier way. While he set out to sea one night, Anita had a dream about an old man who visited their hut and told them that if they work hard, they will eventually get rich after three years. She shared this with her husband when he returned but he dismissed her impatiently.

One night, he set out to sea again; his first throw of the net didn’t yield any fish but the second one caught black stones the size of a fist. In disgust, he threw them back to the sea, accompanied by some complaints. And just then, he heard a rumbling sound and saw the waves becoming bigger, making him paddle faster towards the shore. Unknown to him, the black stones he threw to the sea became islands. He died that night in his sleep. And once more, the old man appeared in Anita’s dream, telling her about the islands and the fate her husband brought about himself. Anita just cried as she looked at her dead husband.