
We didn't expect our swimming/island hopping/snorkeling adventure to have gone as far as to have some trekking added into it too.

First Stop: The Walk to the Boat

Well this walk couldn't be considered as trekking per se but no doubt about it, this is no small feat. We had to use our (sorry for the term) Ninjustu to just climb the boat. With the sharp rocks beneath our feet, we treaded the treacherous waves controlling the boat. In more simple terms be very careful when climbing your boat, beneath you are rocks and a single step could cause a disaster. I think enough has been said about that, and moving on we continued only to find more difficult tasks.

Second Stop: Cave Walk

As soon as we arrived at the Governor's island, which by the way is the first Island you'll be landing on and where you'll also pay the Php 20.00 Hundred Island Park fee, we walked inside the caves which is somewhat not for the faint-hearted like me. That is why I was the one taking these pictures.

Third Stop: Unforgiving Slopes and Steppes
Heed my advice and don't underestimate this climb. When you're gonna climb the Governor's Island be sure to hold on to the ropes and watch your steps because some of them are really slippery.

Did I mention the angle of the slope here? No, then good. Experience it yourself, promise it's a drag.

But whatever the hardships we've encountered, we all forgot them the moment we reached the top and saw the wonderful view of most of the hundred islands. At the top, you could take pictures and here are some of ours...


I think unexpected things always turn out to be awesome, you went there knowing it was just a swimming and island hopping adventure, but surprises are fantastic - "trekking" brought life to this "adventure" word of yours. :)